
Pray for the Unemployed

 Here is a rundown of  self-talk while being unemployed at a prayer service for the jobless:
  • I am a warm fuzzy recipient of kind smiles and hugs from churchy friends. 
  • I am  hopeful that there is a plan for me.
  • I am confident that, if we lose our home, that relatives would take me in.
  • I am a self-absorbed meek person who should be grateful she has a home.
  • I am a hateful schmuck for being so angry and accusatory at That VP and her stupid move to fire me.
  • I am a woeful horrible person who should not be so hurtful and should accept her role in the whole thing.
  • I am a wandering lamb, so pick me up, Shepherd, and carry me.
  • I am tired of being fired, this is no fun.
  • I gotta turn this around
  • I gotta use this candle as a sign of hope.
  • I gotta learn arson techniques and do to her what she did to me.
  • I gotta stop thinking that my bitterness is funny. 
  • I gotta go home and hug my family.


Morning Coffee Spit-take!

I’m enjoying my morning coffee and muffin when my brain suddenly smacks my forehead from inside out: I dreamt about That VP and That HR Clown! Augh! Was there a hidden message from my sub-conscious? Let's see, I dreamt that I could not trust him, and that I was packing up some boxes – yep, it's That Moment all over again! Why, oh, why, must I re-live That Moment? Do you think, as time goes by, my dream scenarios will be in my favor?


Lunch with Believer

Believer is the lady I used to work for at Do-Good-Company-That-Does-Mediocre who left a few years ago with which I still see from time-to-time. And Believer believed that I was a great employee and cheers me on. Believer is still in contact with The VP and Wandering Director(s), so I was apprehensive on how I'd feel after having coffee with her. Sad? Depressed? Victim? After our java date last week, I found myself energized, and validated, and good. I can do a lot! I have skills! I can re-enter the job market with edge! But it doesn't take another dreary day of job hunting to make that fade away. Now, I gotta get me some "don't-stop-believing" potion!